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Work smarter, live better with our automated regulatory technology platform for compliance professionals like you.


wezmart Xcelerator

Programme ("WXP")

Wezmart Xcelerator Programme (“WXP”) is an innovative program designed to assist, guide and promote professionals to augment business to move to the next level.
WXP supports systemized works to assist professionals in uplifting their service standard of deliverable so that they will experience better business performance in terms of higher profit & revenue margin, lower staff expenses, time flexibility, increased productivity, potential learning environment, and employee engagement at the results.

Throughout WXP, a series of activities are periodically curated to assist the professionals in growing in the long journey. The activities comprise the following: -


  • Professional Compliance Updates

  • Business Coaching & Mentoring

  • Soft Skills Development & Training

  • Networking & Conferencing

  • Systemized Workflow Infrastructure for Efficiency


of WXP

In WXP, Professionals will experience significant change in life. The experience that brought to change with better business performance: -


Widening range of
Services Support under one roof. 
More Income

Professional raise income earning via collaborative 
at professional digital community.


Quality Works Rendered 
Digitised monitoring works progress more efficiency


Less hassle in 
Managing Staff  Lesser staff means more time for others thus more works efficiency


Lower / controlled Operating Cost


Higher Trust Gain
More time spend with customer & trust gain.


Cross border Collaboration 
Larger business market.

Our platform supports cooperative competition aka coopetition; a strategic alliance we could use to strengthen and expand our range of services to serve customers better. From financial professionals to legal consultants and tax experts, you’ll find all the help you need right here.

Company Secretarial Services

Intellectual Property, TM registration

Financing and Wealth Management

Accounting / bookkeeping 

HR management / Payroll / Advisory / Diagnostic Services

Corporate tax services

Tax Audit, Investigation, and Diagnostic


and Grow Together

Do what you do.
Only Better

Bring your skills on board our digital platform and experience more convenience,
efficiency, speed, security, agility and of course, more gains


We have your back

BPOSA360 is a system that you can trust: one that understands the needs and
complexities of your specific services along the compliance and regulatory supply chain.
It’s an innovation brought to you by Wezmart Group, an awards-winning SME connected advisor with deep domain knowledge, and has been driving this space since 1999.


Join us and find the key to work-life blending

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